Singer/songwriter extraordinaire John Lennon summed up Valentine’s Day, celebrated worldwide on 14th February, with the lyrics of his 1967 song which was written to appeal to people worldwide. This year, instead of spending money on drooping red roses or tired chocolates, why not write an intimate and private love letter to your beloved?

Try the following suggestions for a unique, low cost high impact gift that can become a family heirloom?
- Purchase some sheets of special acid free paper and a matching envelope in your sweetheart’s favourite colour.
- Settle into a comfortable spot where you will be undisturbed, placing a photo of your darling in front of you plus some scrap paper and a pen. Looking at the photo, identify five qualities you especially love about your darling, e.g. his twinkly eyes, the way she always greets you at the door with a kiss, the cup of tea he brings to you in bed each morning, the little love notes she tucks into your overnight bag…
- Once your list is complete, draft a letter on the scrap paper, re-writing until it you feel it ‘sounds like you talking to him/her.
- Consider adding a verse from a romantic poem or ‘your’ song:
“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight.”
By Elizabeth Barratt Browning.
- Once you are happy with the final letter draft, copy it (in your best handwriting) on to the special paper and slip it into the envelope before embellishing it with some heart motifs.
- You can mail your letter to your sweetheart’s place of work, place it on her/his pillow or beside their breakfast plate.
“A deeply intimate love letter like this, directly from your heart to hers/his will become a treasured item from 2018, to be brought out and re-read many times before, hopefully, becoming part of your personal legacy to be passed through your family in future years,” said personal historian, Annie Payne from History from the Heart.
Please contact Annie for further help at:
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