Our Association

Life Stories Australia was founded in 2017 in response to the need to have Australian personal historians/ biographers gain representation, recognition and promotion within their own country. Originally paid members of the Oceania chapter of the American-based Association of Personal Historians (APH), it became obvious that due to the geographical and cultural differences between the two vast regions, that a new, independent association had to be formed and thus, Life Stories Australia was born and incorporated as an Association on 29 June 2017 in New South Wales, registration number INC1700896.
Life Stories Australia is governed by a Board of Directors (without ownership) made up of at least five fully paid members, all of whom must be practising in the industry and one of whom must represent film or a non print biographical form.

- To promote Life Stories Australia as the recognised, professional industry benchmark for the recording, preserving and sharing of personal life stories and organisational histories
- To promote awareness and appreciation of the value of preserving life stories and organisational histories
- To promote Life Stories Australia and its members in the media and other relevant forums in Australia
- To maintain a public register of Life Stories Australia professionals and facilitate access to potential clients in their geographical area and preferred format.
Professional Services
- To establish and maintain a code of ethics and professional standards
- To provide ongoing education and training based on industry best practice and research
- To provide support, networking and collaborative opportunities amongst members
- To provide members with links to external relevant educational and professional organisations.

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