The newly formed association, Life Stories Australia’s, recent launch has had an immediate and telling impact. Already, great interest has been shown from people from all walks of life, particularly in their twilight years, who know they have something priceless to hand down to future generations.
This is not surprising given the latest figures from the ABS. We are all living longer. Never have families had more time to make and record precious memories and stories, as our life expectancy continues to rise, with most gains for those over 65 years. On average women are now living for 84.6 years and men for 81.1 years – up about five years from 20 years ago. Nor, as an aging society, have we ever valued the life wisdom learned from our own journey and those of our loved ones’ more, and never have we had more opportunity to appreciate and share these legacies.

This new association of life story professionals was created to help meet the growing need in Australia for individuals, families, and even businesses and organisations, to have their unique stories told. Life Stories Australia has established the first website in Australia which can link people together, and provide potential clients with a reliable and trustworthy go-to choice of life story, memoir and biography writers.
Thankfully, parents, grandparents, daughters and sons are rapidly signing up for stories to be recorded into perpetuity – a simple step from dinner table to book, video or audio recording with the help of a life story professional.
Clients have expressed relief – often in tears – that their unique memories won’t die with them, and Life Stories Australia urges everyone having family get-togethers over the Christmas holiday period to at least record some of those amazing experiences and consider obtaining a certified professional help to set those memories in stone. Commissioning a parent’s or a grandparent’s life story – could there be a more wonderful gift to give them and the whole family for Christmas?
Now, Life Stories Australia has provided via its website (www.lifestoriesaustralia.com.au), a state-by-state and Australia-wide knowledge base for clients to safely browse their options.
Paul English, President, Life Stories Australia
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