
How to Avoid Saving Your Family Stories

How to Avoid Saving Your Family Stories

Hell and family history have something in common. It seems the road to both is paved with good intentions and, while I cannot speak for the former, when it comes to saving family stories, scarcely a day passes when someone tells me that they “really must do something about it,” yet they never do… These are […]

Finding the Voice

Finding the Voice

I was sitting on the back deck with a cup of tea when the bell rang at the nearby school. The interesting thing is that I referred to it as a bell in my mind despite the fact that it was, in fact, a loud, electronic boing boing, similar to the generic doorbells we have all […]

Official Launch of Life Stories Australia Association

Official Launch of Life Stories Australia Association

Desperate life stories wandering around in the dark – it’s over! Life Stories Australia is a newly created incorporated association of expert, professional storytellers.  Recognising the growing need in Australia for individuals, families, businesses and organisations to have their various stories told, Life Stories Australia was created to help provide potential clients with a reliable and […]