
How Can I Make My Life Story More Interesting?

How Can I Make My Life Story More Interesting?

I often mentor people who are writing their memoir and one of the questions they frequently ask me is: ‘How can I make my story more interesting?’ One way you can make your writing more compelling is to create vivid scenes full of sensory details. These scenes fuel a reader’s imagination and draw them into […]

The Importance of ‘Voice’ in Life Writing

The Importance of ‘Voice’ in Life Writing

Voice is integral to an individual’s identity, whether we write about someone else or ourselves. A person’s voice reveals a great deal and we make all sorts of assumptions about them because of this. In her chapter on voice in the book The Art of Memoir Mary Karr says, ‘a voice conjures the human who utters it.’ […]

A Sense of Place

A Sense of Place

I’m currently reading Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing, by Robert A. Caro, the multi-Pulitzer Prize winning biographer of Robert Moses, who changed the urban landscape of New York with his massive bridges and freeways, and Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Jack Kennedy as US President after JFK was assassinated. In his book, Caro says that a sense of […]

The Perfect Fathers’ Day Gift—a Memoir

The Perfect Fathers’ Day Gift—a Memoir

As Fathers’ Day approaches are you struggling to find the perfect gift for your dad or grandfather? Do they have enough socks and undies to last a lifetime and is their bathroom cabinet overflowing with aftershave you gave them as presents for the last few years? Have you thought of giving your father or grandfather […]

How ‘Does’ One Write a Biography?

How ‘Does’ One Write a Biography?

Virginia Woolf once said, ’How does one write biography?’ The famous writer struggled with how to write the biographies of other people as well as her own autobiography. She drafted her autobiography several times, but each version was different from its predecessor and sadly she ended her life before finishing what could have been her most important book. […]

Creating Compelling Characters in a Life Story

Creating Compelling Characters in a Life Story

One of the most challenging aspects of life story writing is bringing characters to life. Taking a real-life person, getting inside them and truly knowing them. One of a life writer’s responsibilities it to reveal the gap between the mask a person wears and their secret self. But how can a life writer cut through to […]

Life Stories Australia Submission to the Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality and Safety

Life Stories Australia Submission to the Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality and Safety

Life Stories Australia, the professional association representing life story writers and filmmakers, applauds the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety for considering how best to deliver aged care services to the increasing number of Australians living with dementia.  There is an urgent need to introduce life story recording into aged care facilities as […]

Media Release re LSA Submission to the Aged Care Royal Commission

Media Release re LSA Submission to the Aged Care Royal Commission

MEDIA RELEASE Aged Care Royal Commission must support life story writing for people living with dementia Sydney, 18 March 2019 – Life Stories Australia, the professional association representing life story writers and filmmakers, applauds the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety for considering how best to deliver aged care services to the increasing number of […]

Upcoming Member Forum 21 March

Upcoming Member Forum 21 March

Life Stories Australia Members’ Forum 11.00 am Thursday 21 March 2019 on Zoom (Members to register with Paul English for meeting invitation) AGENDA 1.    Welcome Chair: Paul English 2.    Apologies 3.    Introductions Members to introduce themselves very briefly (20 – 30 seconds) re their type of business, main type of projects, and what hoping to gain and give from […]

Kickstart Your Memoir by Joining a Local Writing Group

Kickstart Your Memoir by Joining a Local Writing Group

Writing a memoir helps you find your voice, tell your story, and reach out to others. You start thinking about your memories, moments that make you feel young again, wondering: what is the legacy I’m leaving behind?  But how to get started? I speak to many people who want to write their memoir, but they […]