Life Stories: A vanity project or history’s first draft

Life Stories: A vanity project or history’s first draft

The gentleman opposite was interviewed for someone else’s biography. He shared the bones of his own story. An incredible tale of migration and thriving despite childhood and other adversities. When I suggested he should write his own life story. His reply was cutting and quick. “I don’t believe in vanity projects,” he dismissed. “Not for […]

The new podcast, Biographers in Conversation, goes live

The new podcast, Biographers in Conversation, goes live

When you read a biography, do you feel like you’re in the story living the biographical subject’s life, feeling what they’re feeling and seeing what they’re seeing? To stimulate your imagination this way, biographers make hundreds of decisions. It’s these choices the biographer and LSA member, Gabriella Kelly-Davies, explores in her new podcast, Biographers in […]

Producing a better version of your life story

Producing a better version of your life story

‘And what did it look like?’ Thea, who was attending one of my life story workshops, looked as if a lightbulb had just been switched on. Her face became animated as she recalled leaving a smoky polluted town to move across the state to the countryside. Fresh air! Blue sky! The trees, the flowers …! […]

Creating connections through life story telling

Creating connections through life story telling

By Felicity Lenehan Once there was a time, dare I say its name, when there were two thing’s I couldn’t do due to lockdowns.  The first was conduct life story interviews in person with my lovely clients. The other heartbreaking activity I could not do was take my children to see their grandparents. I came […]

Conference: Telling difficult life stories and getting them read

Conference: Telling difficult life stories and getting them read

By Sally-Anne Watson Kane All who attended the Life Stories Australia (LSA) Conference 2022 agree that it was an enormous success. LSA members who attended the all-day conference on Friday 2 December 2022 were treated to an entertaining and insightful day of presentations and discussions about topics related to documenting and preserving life stories. Jacqueline […]